Now men can have hair transplants using hair from their CHEST

You will learn about this:
  • Hair transplant procedure involves the extraction of hair follicles from the donor areas and implantation to the recipient areas.
  • But some men don’t have enough donor hair supply on their scalp.
  • It doesn’t mean that they aren’t eligible to get a hair transplant
  • The new technique is introduced by using chest hair as a donor hair supply.

Chest hair is now being used as a donor hair supply and due to this new technique, an appearance of men have transformed all around the world.
Chest hair is thick. So it’s impossible to use chest hair as the source of hair for the hair transplant, for a completely bald man.
Celebrities also got a Hair Transplant Procedure:
From Wayne Rooney to Gordon Ramsay, there are thousands of men who have undergone a hair transplant surgery to cure their hair thinning, hair loss, baldness and high hairline.
The Procedure of the Hair Transplant Surgery:
Usually, the procedure of the hair transplant surgery involves the extraction of hair follicles from the donor areas like the back or sides of the patient’s scalp.
And then tiny incisions are made in the recipient regions of the patient. In the end, extracted hair follicles are being implanted into the recipient regions or where the treatment is required like on the bald spots, hair thinning areas or at the high hairline.
The whole procedure is performed under the administration of local anaesthesia for painless surgery.
Seek Specialised Advice:
If you are a victim and suffering from the hair thinning, hair loss, baldness or high hairline. Then without wasting another second, seek a professional advice for the evaluation of your hair loss treatment options.
Consultation with the Trichologist at the Hair Transplant Centre:
For that, arrange an appointment with the trichologist at the hair transplant centre. He will examine your scalp very carefully and will tell you the factor which is contributing in causing your baldness.
Then he may affirm you that are you eligible to get a hair transplant surgery or not. If you will be a good candidate to get a hair transplant then he may recommend you to get it. If your scalp donor hair supply is insufficient then he may recommend you to get a hair transplant using chest hair as a donor hair supply.
After getting the hair transplant, you will be able to resume your daily activities. And can leave the hair replacement in Dubai clinic immediately after getting the treatment.
For a week, your recipient region/ head and your donor area/ chest may appear red and slightly swollen. During this time, you are not allowed to perform those tasks which cause sweat including exercise, excessive walking, hiking etc.

You may also face hair shedding. But it’s nothing to worry about because it’s a temporary hair fall. And your transplanted hair will fall and that’s called shock loss. But it will regrow naturally, enabling the roots to embed and to settle in their new locations.

Now men can have hair transplants using hair from their CHEST Now men can have hair transplants using hair from their CHEST Reviewed by MalikaIman on October 24, 2017 Rating: 5

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