How typical is Shock Loss after Hair Transplant Surgery?

Hair transplant procedure involves the extraction of hair follicles from the donor areas and the implantation of the extracted hair follicles to the recipient regions. The whole process of hair transplantation is performed carefully so that the hair will grow and flourish properly.
Almost with all hair transplant procedures, chances of shock loss can arise. But there’s one hair transplant technique due to which, complications of shock loss minimizes i.e. Stem cell hair transplant.

What is Shock Loss?

No matter how experienced your hair transplant surgeon is, how gently the surgeon extracts the hair follicles from the donor regions, how smoothly and carefully the surgeon implants the hair follicles into the recipient areas of your scalp.
Still, the stress can interfere with the normal hair growth and eventually healthy hair will shed either from the donor region or recipient site.
Shock loss occurs after getting a hair transplant. It’s a natural phenomenon in which freshly transplanted hair falls out. It occurs both in donor and in the recipient area. You must be wondering that Why shock loss occurs after getting a hair transplant? So there are some factors which can cause shock loss:
So here are some factors which can cause shock loss:

Causes of Shock Loss:

  • It can occur due to an extended use of Epinephrine, Lidocaine, and Marcaine.
  • Due to an excessive use of the local anesthesia in a donor area.
  • Shock loss is mostly caused by getting strip method or FUT hair transplant.

Shock Loss on Donor Areas of the Scalp:

Like in FUE (follicular unit extraction) hair transplant, hair follicles are extracted individually from the donor regions with a one-millimeter punch device.
So the extraction of the donor hair can affect nearby hair follicles and this trauma can lead to the shedding of hair after the hair transplant surgery.

Shock Loss at the Recipient Regions of the Scalp:

Shock loss can also occur at the recipient areas, or where the hair follicles are being implanted. The making of tiny incisions at the recipient regions can affect the neighbouring hair follicles. Thus causing them to go into the resting phase and eventually to fall out. Don’t worry because shock loss is a temporary phenomenon. Hair that falls out will regrow naturally in a matter of months.

Does Shock Loss Cause Permanent Hair Loss?

The good news is, shock loss is a temporary phenomenon. Hair regrows automatically from the affected hair grafts within a couple of months, and there’s no need to cure it with any medication.

Medications Can Decrease Your Chances of Hair Transplant Shock Loss?

There are some medications which helps in the process of hair regrowth:
  • Minoxidil
  • Propecia
But before using any medication, you should consult your surgeon.
Shock loss after the hair transplant is very much the exception and not the rule. So if you want that after getting a hair transplant, you will face minor shock loss instead of major shock loss. Then get a Stem cell hair transplant in Dubai for hair loss from the hair transplant center.

Professional Help:

If you are also experiencing hair thinning, hair loss or baldness and want to get a hair transplant. Then before getting it, you should get a professional advice for the evaluation of your treatment options.

Consultation with the Trichologist at the Hair Transplant Centre:

So for the affirmation, arrange an appointment with the trichologist. The trichologist will examine your scalp very carefully including your donor and recipient areas. Afterwards, he will affirm you that are you eligible to get a hair transplant or not.
He will recommend you to get Stem cell hair transplant in Dubai from the hair transplant clinic. Because this hair transplant has fewer chances of shock loss.
Due to the consultation with the trichologist in time, you will be able to get expected results in short span of time, without the side effects.

How typical is Shock Loss after Hair Transplant Surgery? How typical is Shock Loss after Hair Transplant Surgery? Reviewed by MalikaIman on October 27, 2017 Rating: 5

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